Leary Family

Any reason to see my friends, Brian and Reshella, is a good reason. But this time, the reason was a tiny human: chubby cheeks, chilly toes, bright eyes. Gah! They introduced me to their son Hudson as we hung out in his nursery (…really trying to hold back my “hanging at the crib” joke here). Evening light poured in through the windows and my children made googly eyes at Hudson from behind my lens. After our session we all went to Vito’s and ate our weight in pizza. On the way home I fantasized about a system where I would only do photo sessions in exchange for pizza. Or sometimes sushi…or Taste of Thai. Or pretty much just food in general. Make an offer.bsomeIMG_1780 bsomeIMG_1761bsomeIMG_1787bsomeIMG_1804bsomeIMG_1819bsomeIMG_1848bsomeIMG_1855bsomeIMG_1864bsomeIMG_1873bsomeIMG_1901bsomeIMG_1924bsomeIMG_1941bsomeIMG_1948bsomeIMG_1952bwbsomeIMG_1951bsomeIMG_1958bsomeIMG_1956bsomeIMG_1964bsomeIMG_1967bsomeIMG_1969bsomeIMG_1976bsomeIMG_1977bsomeIMG_2018bsomeIMG_1986bsomeIMG_1992bsomeIMG_1995bsomeIMG_1993bsomeIMG_1982bsomeIMG_1987

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